Terms and Conditions for Membership in The Revivalists
Thank you for your interest in joining The Revivalists. As a member, you commit to upholding and advancing the Islamic and cultural values of Pakistan. The following are the terms and conditions of your membership, which are binding upon agreement:
1. Affirmation of Beliefs (For Muslim Members)
1.1 Belief in Oneness of Allah:
I affirm my belief in the oneness of Allah.
1.2. Belief in the Finality of Prophethood:
I affirm my belief in Muhammad (SAWW) as the last prophet of Allah and acknowledge that any claim to prophethood after him is considered disbelief (Kufr).
2 Participation Requirements
2.1 Maximum Participation:
I understand that I will be required to actively participate in the activities, campaigns, and initiatives of The Revivalists to the best of my ability.
3. Inclusivity and Respect
3.1 No Sectarianism:
I agree to contribute to an environment free from sectarian divisions and to foster unity and cooperation among all sects within the Islamic community.
3.2. Respect for Non-Muslim Members:
I will respect the beliefs of Non-Muslim members and recognize that they are not required to affirm the specific Islamic beliefs mentioned above but are expected to support the objectives of The Revivalists.
4. Legal and Ethical Conduct
4.1. No Anti-State Activity:
I will refrain from any activities that could be construed as anti-state or detrimental to the interests of Pakistan.
4.2. No Links with Proscribed Organizations:
I will not have any affiliations with organizations that are proscribed by Pakistani law.
4.3. No Extremism:
I will avoid all forms of extremism and advocate for peaceful, lawful, and constructive actions to achieve our goals.
5. Commitment to the Cause
5.1. Belief in the Cause:
I commit to believing in the cause of The Revivalists and will actively promote and protect the cultural and religious values of Pakistan.
6. Compliance and Enforcement
6.1. Compliance:
I will comply with these terms and conditions as long as I am associated with The Revivalists.
By agreeing to these terms, I am joining a community dedicated to a noble cause. I pledge to honor these commitments and contribute positively to our shared goals and the betterment of our society.